At the Swing Party, June 2005

This is where this month's Swing Party was held - Rolling Hall near the Hongik University. Broadcasting equipment truck from KM Media is on the left, and the storage truck is on the right. It's pretty close to Sangsu Station...
But Wesley walked to here after getting off at Hapjeong Station. I used this opportunity to test out the handheld-mode GPS I made yesterday. Looks to be working alright. Map used was Navtek Moti Free.

'Boogiepop' was already here... standing at the entrance. You can see the program schedule here.

I was provided with a ticket and the glowsticks as I entered. The left side of the ticket had a number... This is used to get back my belongings later on... as well as acting as the lucky number for the raffle. The right side is used during the performance... As tickets for exchanging ice teas and snacks.

Not forgetting to take a selfie today!

And we were not alone in this...

A word from 'Swing-zzang'. He was around even during the raffle time after the end of the performance.

Today's event kicked off with a song from So Chan-Whee. Seeing her in person... reminded me of a lady I know.

Mellow times thanks to Jatanpung. A certain couple who was called up on the stage... Did some really long, repeated kisses in front of everyone, causing a bit of a situation.

It's Yoon Do Hyun! The hightlight of the 1st half of the performance.

And we couldn't stand still, obviously.

This... was certainly impressive.

2nd half starts. No Brain... definitely knows how to pick up the mood.

Stony Skunk was also incredible. What was with the slew of tags in the middle... ha...

And Side-B keeps the atmosphere electric...

Not to mention the back dancers that sealed the deal. They made the cameras keep pointing this way...

This is a newly formed band called iF... Off to a good start.

The highlight of the 2nd half is.... Lazybone! As they wrapped up today's performance... They made the whole crowd go wild. It was mind-blowing, but this photo... Came out pretty good.

With the performances over, the raffle and the photogenic award ceremony came up next. Here, Wesley won the 1st prize and got an Xbox - never thought that would happen. Hmm...

As I exited the place, what luck. That's Yoon Taek, who shows up (or showed up? He did his last recording recently, perhaps...) on the "People Looking for a Laugh" show on SBS TV... He was in the area for a separate schedule. He posed for a photo just before disappearing - good sense!

From "Wesley's Filling Up of Empty Space" at Naver Blog - August 2005
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