Fixing quirks with s9y on the Mac

[Related to: Use Mac as a Web Server]

Two issues may come up after installing s9y on the Mac.

1. Quicksearch Error

Attempt a search on the Quicksearch box and you may get this:
The search function did not work as expected. Notice for the administrator of this blog: This may happen because of missing index keys in your database. On MySQL systems your database user account needs to be privileged to execute this query:

CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX entry_idx on serendipity_entries (title,body,extended)

The specific error returned by the database was...

That's because the query was not run and the 'Fulltext Index' is not available. Time to pay Terminal a visit.
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The Tool-Box custom s9y pack

The Tool-Box custom s9y pack contains various modifications done to plugins as well as the Toolbox theme that I made for use with this website. All files ending with 'copy' are original versions of the files. Unzip the whole thing and copy the files to the appropriate s9y folders. Simple folder replacing in Finder may delete all other files in the folder so beware.

UPDATE: See Here

- lang
English language: the CHAR_SET is changed from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8.
Korean language: COMPLETELY written from scratch and is 100% up-to-date with s9y 0.8.2.


-> See NOTES for details. Mostly adding Korean support and putting some fixes.

default: plugin_staticpage.tpl is for using staticpage plugin and is the original file.
toolbox: the official theme 'Toolbox'.

Korean Support in Full Gear!

Alright, good news for all those who wanted Korean support on my website.
After wasting a whole day, I have created an up-to-date Korean support for the s9y blog system. It seems to be working okay, although there are a couple of labels that look weird (it's not fixable from my end so I've reported this to the creator of s9y). There is also now a language support drop box on the right. You'll be able to see the site in Korean and read Korean versions of the articles (not all that much atm).

Creating Korean language pack

s9y's Korean language pack is outdated and needs to be rewritten from scratch. The website will be gradually getting changes as I update it string by string.

Copyright (C) 1996-2025 Woo-Duk Chung (Wesley Woo-Duk Hwang-Chung). All rights reserved.