Site tweaks

Using the new plug-in I made, I have now moved some links to the top part of the page to act as some sort of a navigation bar. I may experiment with this for a while. Also, the gray background behind the contents was a real downer, so I had it changed to a bluish tone that matches the overall feel of the website. I have tweaked the behaviour of the hyperlinks slightly as well - the underline appears only when the mouse hovers on it.

Overall, most of the things I wanted to see on the website are now settled into place. I'm getting really accustomed to this blog system now. The two other websites that are still left on the old website might be integrated to this place as well. I'm not sure.

More nuggets, less filling

I've created/modified both the 'page' type and the 'sidebar' type HTML nugget plug-ins so that the nuggets can be configured to be shown only under a specified language. Simply put, I can utilize this to have different navbar or sidebar for each language of my website, thus making it more 'localized' than before.

Oh, and starting with the 'new' articles on this website, I've decided to actually use that 'extended body' function. Instead of the whole article showing on the overview, only the first part will be shown. This is done so that the main page won't become too long. I think it looks nicer. I'm not sure what to do for the older articles yet.

HTML nugget anywhere?!

As noted in my previous entry, I made a plug-in that would let me place an HTML nugget on the top of the entry page. It was nice... but the fact that it's limited to showing up on the entry page only and that it's only for the top of the page, made it limited in its usefulness.

So after much wrestling with the code, I have re-written the plug-in so that it can place the HTML nugget on the top, on the bottom, or even inside the HEAD tag. And it can be configured to show on the entry page, the overview page, or both. All the flexibility of the original HTML nugget plug-in, but in more locations.

The plug-in is now called HTML Nugget on Page. It should appear on the SourceForge CVS as serendipity_event_page_nugget soon.

Copyright (C) 1996-2025 Woo-Duk Chung (Wesley Woo-Duk Hwang-Chung). All rights reserved.