Use Mac as a Web Server (1/5)

This article serves two purposes: to show what steps are needed to have a functioning website running on a Macintosh computer, and to remind myself not to forget how to do this later. Yes, I must be dumb. :-P

Okay, you need:

- A Macintosh computer (mine is a Mac mini)
- Mac OS X 'Panther' 10.3.9 or higher (mine is running 'Tiger' 10.4.1)
- Internet connection (direct, or through a router that you can configure)
Continue reading "Use Mac as a Web Server (1/5)"

Forums are now basically arranged

The phpBB forum system now has appopriate forums and topics created, as well as links that allows you to return here. Note that it's now called 'Wesley's Extended Forums' instead of 'Wesley's Experimental Forums'. I might need to replace the 'phpBB' logo on the top left, but only after the rest of the sites are moved out.

The multilingual problem

Let's see... for now I'm not doing Korean support on the site, but I saw that there was this multilingual plug-in. Maybe it could be feasible to support two languages on this site if this works as intended. But the encoding problem (apparently the 'English' setting corrupts Korean input, as noted eariler) must be resolved in the plug-in as well. I'll have to get around to this after getting the forums running. now forwards to here

Okay, so the transition is official as of now. Wesley's Tool-Box is now serving from this new website.
There is a link on the right that still takes you to the old pages, but all the contents are here, so that link's just for reference (well, it'll be taken down eventually anyway).

A few changes: the introduction and profile pages are available, as well as a page that lists all the articles. Also, I've applied the previous/next page plug-in so it's easy to navigate between several pages of the old articles. This plug-in had a bug where it kept pointing to the first post I wrote (the 'This is where it starts anew' one) for the 'next' post, so I had to dive into the code and fix (well, it works for me, anyway).

Alright, I think I should do something about the forums now.

New design is now in place

After much mucking around with the CSS file, the new design for the site is complete... I think.

Featured in the left of the top banner is my trusty... tool box... from Canada. It came in handy in many occasions, including Xbox modding. You'll also notice three driver heads adorning the right side of each post. These micro-screwdrivers saw much action and is somewhat worn out, but I may not need replacement any time soon. (Update: I've lightened the colours to make them less distractive)

The overall tone of the site is now blue. I was thinking of greenish tint, but good lord, that looked ugly. The design for the previous website was predominantly orange-and-blue and well, that didn't exactly fly either. I hope this design is more palatable to wider audiences. Maybe not.

Anyways, I think I'll need to add a couple of static pages and then it's time to move to pepping up the forums.

Copyright (C) 1996-2025 Woo-Duk Chung (Wesley Woo-Duk Hwang-Chung). All rights reserved.