Entries tagged as Bulacan

Volunteering in Bulacan, Philippines

KPX volunteers at St. Martha Elementary School

The employees of KPX that came to the Philippines for the volunteering work visited St. Martha Elementary School located in Batia, Bocaue, Bulacan today. To start, various useful gifts were given to the school kids, then we got into giving some helping hands.

KPX volunteers serving lunch to the school kids

The volunteers arrived just before the lunch time, so the next task was to provide lunch to the hungry kids. Today's menu was steamed rice and chicken stew and the volunteers barely kept up with the flow of children lining up.

After everyone got their share, we got to play with the school kids. Balloons were blown and given out. Then some boys wanted to play basketball, so a nice 4-on-4 street basketball match was held as well. All in all, everyone was happy to take part in the experience.
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