Entries tagged as server

Tool-Box.info is back online

Wesley's Tool-Box was offline for a 53 days since February 2, 2013, when the iMac (Early 2008) that ran the website since May 2008 broke down.

Replacement system was sought, and a souped-up Mac mini (Late 2012) was chosen to pick up the task. Unfortunately, there had been a few issues - recovering the files and database from the iMac didn't go as smoothly as planned; Mac mini didn't get along with certain brand of SSD; family stuff.

All that's behind now. Enjoy the site once again - thank you for your patience.
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Naver Blog contents moved

All entries from my old blog at Naver Blog service have been moved to here. There were 126 entries in total and since there was no exporting function each entries were moved one by one. It should fill a huge hole between the old Wesley's World era and the current Tool-Box era.

The Naver Blog entries were written in Korean. There are no immediate plans to translate them into English.
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Copyright (C) 1996-2025 Woo-Duk Chung (Wesley Woo-Duk Hwang-Chung). All rights reserved.