Entries tagged as Sung-Eun Kim

Today’s “The Toon-Box”

Today's "The Toon-Box"

We voted for a new president

The most important election in the recent Korean history has started this morning - the 2017 Presidential Election. It's being held more than 7 months earlier because the citizens like us have successfully ousted Park Geun-Hye from power. We made our voices heard with various protests, and it resulted in her impeachment at the National Assembly; the decision was ultimately upheld by the constitutional court last March. Now our family put our efforts in electing a new president, who will hopefully clean up the giant mess and make new progress.

We made it to the local voting place a little past 10AM, and there were a steady flow of people coming in

Once the you get your identity verified and leave a signature on the list at the right side, you receive a ballot on the left side
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Today's "The Toon-Box"

Today's "The Toon-Box"

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