Entries tagged as river
Han-gang iPhone 5S Seoul A1533 AT&T A1530 LTE SK Telecom camera slow motion fingerprint sensor Touch ID M7 pedometer 3DMark Cortex Camera Geekbench iPhone 3GS iPhone 4S iPhone 5 Kraken Octane performance SunSpider accelerometer compass gyroscope astronomy ISS Moon satellite battery charger iOS sound passcode Canon SX50 HS iPhone 5C flare Iridium Alhena constellation Jupiter Orion embassy passport USA visa COEX Samseong skyline smog subway KPX Naju relocation cabinet A1522 A1524 Gangnam Hyundai Sonata 2 iPhone 6 Plus Kodak DC280 Suwon Yeongdeungpo Yeongtong Yongsan breakfast McMuffin meal box pancakes travel building Hyundai KEPCO Parnas Seolleung airplane airport Gimpo Lotte World Seoul National University restaurant train mall Gwangju binoculars Chuseok Sanyo VPC-C4 Bushnell 8x40 iOS 8 Celine Chung duck Hayun Chung Sung-Eun Kim Yeongsan Christmas tree decoration balls lights sled snow screwdriver table cookie milk Oreo Homeplus pizza chocolate chip cookies couch FaceTime New Year's Day rice cake Skype tteokguk computer swing Toys R Us trampoline Mega Kids Box Megabox movie theatre Wesley Woo-Duk Hwang-Chung tortilla wrap toothbrush salad Disney Frozen remote controlled helicopter repair replacement Syma S107G Danish butter cookies animation car Larva shopping cart Bitgaram City ice lake boat park fish flower emart rice scoop shopping road snowman London swan UK ball bed globe headphones pink rice porridge Lunar New Year traditional Korean dress Hyung-Bae Kim kite sausage Cloud Cuckoo Palace Princess Unikitty The Lego Movie Evil Robot playground slide 3D printing crown Elsa regional election bicycle car-free street festival flea market Taekwondo car wash book library CGV movie Octonauts Financial Museum Kwangju Bank money Scrooge supermarket SpongeBob SquarePants chicken tender microphone engine oil candle wedding switch Apple TV 4th Gen HomeKit IoT light fixture Philips Hue Elgato Eve Incipio Koogeek Leviton power plug power switch smart plug electricity fire house observatory ballast App Store iPhone X PSAurora present construction IKEA smart button store LED sanitizer ultraviolet department store EMS K-EMS New EMS bus fog monument broiled eels eel BHC chicken Mac mini server blizzard Lotteria snow angel Cajun Fries Mom's Touch Thigh Burger convenience store KTX-Sancheon commute winter fish cake hoppang spring icicle sidewalk igloo apple tree pot seed maple soda soft drink cat Apple Watch New Year’s Day pig
Today's "The Toon-Box"
Posted by Wesley on
Defined tags for this entry: binoculars, Celine Chung, duck, Hayun Chung, river, Sung-Eun Kim, Yeongsan
Bridges of Han-gang River at night
Posted by Wesley onI had a chance to ride the Han-gang river cruise tonight. This is perhaps only the second time to ride on one, despite basically living in the vicinity of Seoul for nearly 15 years and seeing the big river very often.
The last time, I rode the ship during the day, so this was the first time I was able to see the riverside and bridges at night. Lots of lighting fixtures were installed on the bridges during the past decade, and they are quite a sight to see. Read on to see the photos of the bridges I took with iPhone 5S.