Entries tagged as Canon SX50 HS

Keeping an eye on Jupiter

Jovian system taken with Canon SX50 HS

Last Saturday was a pretty good day to see the stars. The smog was lifted and the clouds were barely present during the night. I already made a post about seeing Venus, but I took a look at Jupiter as well. Earth is moving closer to the planet and it'll be at its closest in a month (January 5, 2014), so the view would be nice and big for the next couple of months.

In this composite photo, all four Galilean satellites are present, and the Great Red Spot is visible as a wrinkle in the right end of the lower dark band. 50x magnification on Canon SX50 HS is really at its limit here.

Settings: Canon SX50 HS - 1200mm - f/6.5
Filters: Baader M&S applied
Time: 2013-12-07 22:25 - 22:32 KST
Location: Suwon, Korea
Photos stacked with RegiStax

Jupiter: ISO 80 - 1/50s, 19 photos stacked
Satellites: ISO 1600 - 1/5s, 42 photos stacked
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Venus keeps slimming

Venus taken with Canon SX50 HS
Getting slimmer
It's interesting to see how Venus keeps getting bigger and slimmer at the same time. It's still quite bright in the evening sky - it's visible even before Sun is set. Sunset was at 17:14, but I could already see the planet at 17:05.

Settings: Canon SX50 HS - 1200mm (2x enlarged) - ISO 80 - 1/1000s - f/6.5
Filters: Baader M&S applied
Time: 2013-12-07 17:39 KST
Location: Suwon, Korea
18 photos stacked with RegiStax
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Tonight's Venus sighting

Venus taken with Canon SX50 HS
Thinner, larger
Venus keeps coming closer to the Earth, and it's getting visually larger from here. But since it's in the inner orbit, the crescent is getting thinner as well. Take a look at how it looked like two weeks ago and four weeks ago to see what I mean. I'll be keeping track of the planet regularly as it keeps coming closer. It'll be closest to the Earth almost exactly six weeks from now (January 11, 2014).

Settings: Canon SX50 HS - 1200mm (2x enlarged) - ISO 80 - 1/250s - f/6.5
Filters: Baader M&S applied
Time: 2013-11-30 17:47 KST
Location: Suwon, Korea
17 photos stacked with RegiStax
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Comet Lovejoy at longer exposure

Comet C/2013 R1 Lovejoy taken with SX50 HS
C/2013 R1 Lovejoy streaking across (25% size)

I've risked the streaking and went with lower ISO and longer exposure for today's comet C/2013 R1 Lovejoy photo. I've experimented with the micro-adjustment head (Longperng TP98AR) that finally arrived late last night after much delay to see if that would help reduce the streaking, but manual compensation proved to be quite difficult. So, after about an hour of fiddling I ended up taking simple long exposure photos just before the Sun came up.

As a note, I waited for another pass of Tiangong-1 half about twenty minutes later, but either the calculations were off or it was too dim (it was supposed to be around magnitude 1) against the brightening morning sky to be seen.

Settings: SX50 HS - 243mm - ISO 800 - 15s - f/5.6
Time: 2013-11-26 06:26 - 06:29 KST
Location: Suwon, Korea
7 photos stacked with RegiStax
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Huge sunspots on the sun

Sunspot 1899 (AR 11899) on the Sun
Sunspot 1899 (AR 11899) on the Sun

While I made an unsuccessful attempt to photograph Tiangong-1 space station transit the Sun, I noticed some big sunspots. Sunspots like these cause solar flares, which have been prevalent in the recent months. This particular group of sunspots shown here is called AR 11899, of which the biggest one is casually referred to as "Sunspot 1899". It's about 4 times the size of the Earth. If you click the picture for the full look of the Sun, you can also spot AR 11903 near the middle.

Settings: 1200mm - ISO 250 - 1/1000s - f/6.5
Time: 2013-11-23 13:22 KST
Location: Seoul, Korea
10 photos stacked with RegiStax
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