Entries tagged as astronomy

ISS in the night sky

International Space Station (ISS) photographed with Canon SX50 HS
International Space Station got caught streaking across the sky

Tonight's clear skies gave me a great opportunity to photograph the International Space Station outright. I didn't know what settings to use, however, so I made a guess. It was okay when it was streaking across the western sky with magnitude of around -2. As it went south, it became brighter, and the shots came out a bit too bright.

At least I got a handful of useful glimpses out of it early while using the tripod to stabilize the camera and trying hard to track it with hand. In the end, the trademark solar arrays and the central area where the astronauts are staying were visible - you can see it as something similar to H.

Settings: Canon SX50 HS - 1200mm - ISO 250 - 1/400s
Processing: 5 photos stacked with RegiStax
Time: 2013-08-26 20:03 KST
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Seasonal blue moon

Portion of the seasonal blue moon for 2013 taken with Canon SX50 HS
The seasonal blue moon of 2013

There are two types of blue moon and neither refers to the moon's visible colour. The first one is the full moon that appears for a second time in the same month. The last one of this kind appeared on August 31, 2012, with the next one scheduled for July 31, 2015.

The second one is the third full moon of a season where the season contains four full moons instead of the usual three. The moon I saw today in the early morning is one of such kind. The next one is to show up on May 21, 2016. You can clicked the cropped image above to see the full-resolution version in its 2700x2700 pixel glory.

Settings: Canon SX50 HS - 1200mm (w/ 2x Digital TC) - ISO 80 - 1/400s
Time: 2013-08-21 01:00AM KST
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Jupiter and Galilean moons

Composite image of Jupiter and Galilean moons photographed using Canon SX50 HS
Top right to bottom left: Ganymede, Europa, Io, Jupiter, Callisto

Jupiter is on the top of the list of the stuff I wanted to photograph with Canon SX50 HS because it's relatively big and bright. However, light pollution makes it hard when it's not separated far from the Sun. Luckily, spending vacation in the southeastern coast let me have the opportunity.

I made two series of photographs, first taking fast shots of Jupiter. Then taking longer exposure shots to capture the Galilean moons. Each of the series were stacked using RegiStax, and then ultimately put together to form the picture you see above.

Jupiter: 1200mm - ISO 250 - 1/125s, 25 photos stacked
Moons: 1200mm - ISO 3200 - 1/10s, 5 photos stacked
Time: 2013-08-17 04:00 KST
Location: Ulsan, Korea

The photos below are samples of the cropped originals of Jupiter and Galilean moon shots.

Sample 1 of the Jupiter photo taken with SX50 HS
Jupiter 1
Sample 2 of the Jupiter photo taken with SX50 HS
Jupiter 2
Sample 1 of the Jupiter's Galilean moons photo taken with SX50 HS
Moons 1
Sample 2 of the Jupiter's Galilean moons photo taken with SX50 HS
Moons 2
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Sun - ISS Transit Captured

Composite photo of the ISS transiting the Sun
Int'l Space Station passes in front of the Sun

Proving that the prediction data from CalSky is pretty accurate, I was able to capture the International Space Station (ISS) making a pass in front of the Sun using my Canon SX50 HS with my hand-made sun filter yesterday afternoon. My dad was watching the phenomenon with binoculars next to me, but the transit only took a little more than a second, so neither of us were sure of observing it until the proof was found in the captures. A total of three photos contained the silhouette of ISS in the backdrop of the Sun.

Original size composite of the ISS transiting the Sun
Big Composite

Clicking the above shows the Sun (30 frames from the observation stacked with RegiStax ) and ISS captures composed into one in its original resolution.

Clicking the bottom shows the original frames of the capture.
Settings: Canon SX50 HS - 1200mm - ISO 250 - 1/1600s
Time: 2013-08-16 16:50:38 KST
Location: Near Bomunho Lake, Gyeongju, Korea

Sun-ISS transit capture #1
Sun-ISS transit capture #2
Sun-ISS transit capture #3
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Lightning strikes!

Lightning strikes photographed with SX50 HS
Repent, sinners!

Instead of stars or planets, the sky today is treating me with lightning strikes at the rate of one every 20 seconds or so. So much lightning, that I was able to catch them twice in a couple of minutes. Good thing I wasn't planning to go to a theme park or something.
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