Entries tagged as Wesley Woo-Duk Hwang-Chung

Caught on the KTV media coverage

Between March 8 and 10, '2010 Inter-Ministry Green Technology Forum' was held at Seoul Center of Education and Culture. I was attending the event to assist my team leader and the manager, something I previously noted on Twitter.

Since it's a government-related event, KTV (government-run Korea TV) was naturally covering it. It was broadcast on 6PM, March 8, with the video and the transcript thankfully available at the website.
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Looking at the coverage, there had been too many technologies being discussed and so the K-EMS Development Project that my team is working on was sadly not aired. Team leader's awarding of the commendation from the minister was also edited out. But looking at the video carefully, the whole team, including myself was caught on the camera when it was recording the entire audience. This is what was seen between 1:23 and 1:25 mark.

1: Team Leader Hyo-Sang Lee 2: Manager Sung-Goo Kim 3: Deputy Manager Woo-Duk Chung

The video capture came out too tiny, but it becomes obvious when you compare this with the selfie I took during the event.

2010 녹색기술포럼에서 김성구 차장 & 정우덕 대리

So it's now confirmed that I attended, but I'm not sure if my company will recognize this as a publicity.
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Wesley on TV: SBS Live Today

Cyborg Husband from Kore on Vimeo.

Well, there you have it, folks. I was on national TV for about 10 minutes on 'SBS Live Today' show, in the segment named 'Today People' which came at the last part of the show. Television watchers catching the show live could see it at around 6:10 PM, Korea Standard Time, November 26, 2008. It's so good to know that a more recent footage of myself is recorded in the archives of television broadcast. :-)

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The ad that never ran

Here's an old one. Dong-A Pharmaceuticals contacted me in early 2002 about doing a newspaper ad. They were doing a series of ads featuring young people with extraordinary achievements, and how Bacchus, the company's flagship energy drink, was supporting such spirits. They showed me the concept design of the ad (on the right), which indicated that I was to be the second person on the series. After several hours of photo session, the studio came up with a finalized photo (small inset photo on the lower right) to be used for the actual ad. I went home and waited for the ad to appear, but eventually I was told that the ad run was canceled. A couple of months later the second series of the ad appeared, featuring a college student that flew fighter jets several times. Oh well. Click on the photo for a larger image.

Wesley on Television (EBS)

Professor explains to Wesley

As mentioned in the previous post, I was on television again. This time I was in a documentary by EBS about the electromagnetic radiation from electronic devices. I sat next to the professor so I guess that helped the exposure. ;-) I have edited the portion that covers our lab into a DIVX AVI video (7.3MB) and uploaded it.
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Wesley on Television (SBS)

Wesley explains the mission

Finally, for the first time in 3 years I was on television again. The footage from the OpenWireless field day was shown during timeframe 09:43 ~ 11:58 of the "SBS Special for 60th Anniversary of the Restoration - Made in Korea - Part 5: The Impatient Koreans" on SBS yesterday at 10:55PM. I was shown for more than several seconds - speaking English, no less.

For those who missed the broadcast, I've got the video uploaded for just the relevant portion (8.2MB DivX AVI). Right-click and save, if you want. Please don't stress out my Mac. Thanks. :-)

Fast, Fast Koreans from Kore on Vimeo.

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