Doing the acceptance speech after receiving the EV Info Sharing Award
On December 23, 2024, Korea Electric Vehicle User Association (KEVUA), with the support of the Ministry of Environment, held the 1st Annual Jeonjinsa Awards ceremony at Lotte Signiel Seoul Grand Ballroom. Jeonjinsa is the shorthand for "People Who are Serious about Electric Vehicles". This was a monthly event in 2023, but it was turned into an annual one this year to recognize a much more broad scope of people who aimed to push the era of electric vehicles closer in various aspects.
Of the ten categories selected, I was honoured with the "EV Info Sharing Award". The award committee recognized my works such as my book (Electric Car Common Sense Dictionary) and my YouTube channel as being helpful in enabling general public to learn about EVs.
Bolt EV's battery trends divided into three ranges
Along with my Bolt EV passing the 160,000 km milestone, the new battery that came with the recall has logged more than two years and 57 thousand kilometers of use. So it was a good time to check on how its performance compares to the original battery. The video I uploaded at YouTube on this topic covers everything including how the data was obtained, but I'll cut to the chase here. The data for the old battery is divided into two ranges, the first part that spans 25 months and 51,585.4 km, and the second part that covers 23 months and 52,940.1 km. The new battery's data is treated whole, totalling 57,945.3 km and 28 months.
Slopes of degradation and the capacity trends of the old and new batteries on the Bolt EV
The division on the old makes it ideal to explain its degradation trend in just two linear polynomials, and also is close to a single quadratic or cubic counterpart for the scope in question. The results showed that the degradation of the old battery in its first two years was steep, amounting to about 0.660 kWh of loss every 10,000 km. In contrast, the new battery was doing much better at about 0.311 kWh per the same distance. While the degradation slowed down for the old one in the subsequent years, it was still worse than the new one's initial performance. So it's evident that the new battery is much more resilient.